07 May 2010

mommy's moments

You are probably familiar with the proverb: "A woman's work is never done" And that's especially true when it comes to being a mother. Throughout time, no one has done so much for so many with such grace. She is selfless. She is patient. She is resilient. She is strong and compassionate, loving and protective, generous and courageous. She is a nurturer and a confidante. A leader and a queen. And when all else fails, no matter the circumstances, she's the one you can always count on. She is dedicated and resourceful, a shoulder to cry on and reservoir of hope and inspiration. But of all the characteristics that combine to make a mother so special, perhaps the greatest of all is her innate capacity to give of herself, not hesitating to sacrifice to make life better for her family. There's nothing like a mother....

To me, 'Mother' is undoubtedly the most beautiful and lovable word in any language. Mother stands for millions of things she gives to her children; it also stands for hard works and sacrifices which she has to undergo to keep her children happy and secure. No joy can match the joy of a mother looking at her child ..... "A mother carries a child in her womb for nine months and in her heart for the rest of her life" -- these words are enough to sum up the meaning and significance of the word Mother.

So......it’s time of the year again when Mother's Day is celebrated, when we pay respect to our dear mothers and our children express their love to us through their supposedly-surprise breakfast in bed and their school art works... It's time to pamper our mothers for all she has done for us over the years. You can tell your mom that she will always be important to you, that you appreciate all the things they’ve done for you and that you will continue to love her for ever. It's a pity, I don’t get to tell my ‘nanay’ these things anymore as she’s gone home and already resting in peace…..but in my heart, she’s still the BEST mother ever. And I’m glad I had the chance to tell her that when she was still alive…

To all super-moms! Put some fun on your to-do list this week! All work and no play is not good for you. Each day make time for you, not only on Mother's Day. Put your feet up. Phone a friend. Treat yourself for no reason at all. Take a friend to lunch. Daydream. Do whatever makes YOU happy. Give yourself permission to do it. There's goes the saying......"when Mom is happy, everyone is happy!"

Happy Mother’s Day to all my beautiful mommy-girlfriends!

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