28 May 2010

TGIFs and BFFs

I love Fridays! First, it means that I was strong enough to make it through another week and at least come closer to achieving one or more of my goals, and secondly, Friday is also the day that I can get to meet and be connected with my "life group" friends, and do an informal yet consistent quality lectures based on Bible scriptures, have an open and interactive group discussions and share personal God-moments' experiences....

Thank God for Fridays! Just when you can't take a minute more of the work week, along comes that carefree day. For me, Friday marks the end of my working week and the beginning of a flex and more relaxed time. Not that weekends are do-nothing days; but the doing is different, and somehow that makes it better. When it's Friday, seem like the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and life is just simply good.

Friday is almost like my BFFs, it makes me smile and sort of enjoy every minute of it --because Fridays have also become my time to go out with some friends, to have a cup of coffee and if I get lucky maybe have a decent night out with my girlfriends. That’s one of the major reasons they’re such good days. And on Fridays, I personally think that every woman needs girlfriends, but first, let’s define the term........A girlfriend is not just any kind of friend. The term “close acquaintance” certainly doesn’t qualify at all. It’s pretty much an understatement to even compare the two.

I think the term is reserved ONLY for several really close, free-to-be-me but know-how-to-care kind of friends. The term is reserved to those who are genuine, true and good friends in the very sense of the word. The term is reserved to those FRIENDS who have known you for sometime and who had grown to laugh with you and laugh at you, cried with you and love you. The ones you can giggle and be silly with. The ones who have known your likes, dislikes, mood swings, pet-peeves, allergies and all. The ones you can swap a pair of earrings. The one who won't hesitate to share a slice of cheesecake, frozen left overs and their most treasured old family recipe. The one who will welcome recycled presents and appreciate hand-me-downs. The ones who will pick your kids up from their piano lessons with no notice at all. The ones who will rescue you in case of emergency situation. The ones who will say a prayer for you....

True friends are the ones who share your hopes and dreams, the ones who can freely and sincerely say "I am so happy for you my friend!" The ones who respects and sincerely appreciates your uniqueness and also accepts your eccentricities. Even the ones who are thousand miles away and who once shared memories, good and tough times with you. The ones who can kiss your tears and fears away. .....and you know, the ones you can be obnoxious with one minute and spiritually profound the next. And they’re perfectly okay with either or both, even in the same sentence!

I love the fact that me and my girlfriends can be so comfortably candid in all of our conversations. We are pretty much open and honest with each other. There's already the presence of that very thin line of transparency in our relationship. There's the trust and support. There's also the sense of vulnerability. We had endured some hardships and yet we stayed friends through it all. We had grown to love and care for each other so deeply despite of the flaws and imperfections we possess....we need each other to share both of our joys and triumphs; our frets and slip-ups, not to mention our latest retail deals and finds!

But you know what? at the end of the day, we all certainly need friends.....not just on Fridays. Don't you?

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