12 October 2009

things i am thankful

Because of our busy lives, we barely have the time to reflect on the good things that we have, so when Thanksgiving Day comes, we get the chance to reflect on the things we are most thankful about. There are a lot of things I am thankful about, here’s few of them; --

I am thankful for our great God who enables me when I can’t bring about things on my own, a God who upholds me and keeps me going, a God who fills me up when there’s an empty space in between. I thank Him a lot for He holds me close and carries me every single step of the way. I’ll forever thank God for having had the chance to meet few special people who walked me through and introduced me to Jesus.

I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my husband and children, they are always been my inspiration, my great motivations and my biggest cheerleaders. They believe in me when I gave them the reasons to do so. In return, they bring out the best in me.

I am thankful for my health, while I could certainly spare to drop a few pounds here and there and do a bit of exercise regimen, but that’s not about it. I haven’t been well before, I have dealt with couple of health issues, splitting-severe-migraines for one, but I thank God that I haven’t had any episode for almost a year now, and that overall, my body, mind and spirit are in one accord. I am thankful that God gives me the strength I need to cope up and overcome such difficulty. I am grateful that God has been so gracious to me.

I am thankful for job, a job that suits my needs and preferences. A job that makes me excited to go to work, ready to face the challenges of the day and be able to deliver what I am expected to do. This job helps my family a lot in as much as my siblings back home to enable to support the education of my nieces and nephews. Most of all, this job allows us to be able to save some for my kids’ college education, travel and retirement.

I am thankful for a bunch of good and true friends, old and new ones, who’s been truly incredible. Without them I wouldn't have close people to talk to when times get tough or have someone to share good news with. I've had some wonderful times with my friends and will keep on having wonderful times in the future.

I am thankful for my church, wherein my family and I can be connected and feel the sense of belongingness, and be able to meet other people that share with the same purpose, that is to praise and serve God.

I am thankful for my everyday challenges, big or small, without my struggles there is no learning and therefore no progress. Failures make me humble while mistakes refine the rough edges in my character. So, for the times I've failed and that I've been wrong, I'm thankful as they'll help me do better in the years to come.

I am thankful that I have been given a gift that no amount of money can buy. I am thankful for love, inner peace and for life.

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