07 October 2009

the aftermath of typhoon 'Ondoy'

It suddenly came like a triple bolt out of the blue for which no one was prepared. The typhoon Ketsana also known as ‘Ondoy’ began on Friday evening with rain and wind warnings from the local PAGASA weather centre. Utterly unrelenting, the rains quickly turned into floods and by Saturday afternoon, the whole Metro Manila was swamped. With the heaviest precipitation in 40 years, typhoon Ketsana ‘Ondoy’ dropped about 17 inches of rain on the Philippine capital, equevalent to a month’s worth of rainfall all in 24 hours! At the height of the flood, about 80% of Manila was submerged. The storm affected some 2 million people, wreaking havoc on both lives and land.

Unexpected strong currents pushed flood waters into people’s homes, turned many of Manila’s busy streets into swimming pools and tossed floating vehicles around as if they were toys. Survivors were rescued from the roofs of their homes, some after 10-hour waits in the cold downpour. No one was spared…

When I heard this alarming news, I was like – in total disbelief! It’s sort of a big blow and it hits me hard. First thing that came to my mind was to call upon the Lord and ask for His help to protect my people. And then later that day, I get the chance to watch the breaking news on CNN and had seen dozens and dozens of unbearable photos slides over the internet - I was in tears…it's painful to watch my own people suffer... there's this achy lump in my throat, and it hurts like a bad sore, and while I watch my fellow Filipinos desperately gripping so hard and doing their best efforts to save their very lives....the pain just swell even more...

Ketsana’s destructive impact left behind Philippines in pain, anguish and in sorrow. Filipinos were devastated and fearful for their lives brought by Ondoy’s wrath. Hundreds of photos and video clips show debris from the typhoon which left hundreds of people dead and hundreds of thousands homeless, still scatters squatter areas. Trash, mud, water, woes afflicts hard-hit areas such as Provident Village. The desolation was palpable. The devastation and desperation was unbearable...

The photos shows residents of Manila do their best to come to grips with life.

No books – no classes
Elementary students, done so far all ways to dry their textbooks following the flood.

Playground amidst trash and debris. Kids play on a passenger jeepney toppled (one would notice the "Jesus is Lord") during the onslaught of typhoon...

A family eats on planks of wood just outside their still flooded home

Amidst this situation, Filipinos have never stop showing kindness. They still manage to show their true spirit of ‘bayanihan’, its most distinct and unique Filipino trait that has been part of their culture for ages. Even before the floods subsided completely, civilians of all ages had helped mobilize and rescue and relief efforts were underway. Government step up it’s clean up drive to prevent the outbreak of disease and clogging of drainage. Facebook, Twitter, e-mails and text messages carried news about which relief centres needed which goods the most. Local and international churches mobilized. Families supports and shared the grief. Friends sympathized. Colleagues extends donations. International charitable organizations, even students were motivated to raise funds for relief. Hundreds of relief operations were conducted. Rescue efforts are still on-going. Help for typhoon relief continue to pour.... People around the globe were touched and moved. People are compelled to give and aid at this time of need.

Now all that's left is to clean up and cope. The aftermath has already passed by, so now we are just having to deal with the tragedy and the loss of life. My heart really goes out to the victims... But things that I am so proud about Filipinos? Filipinos are resilient, persevering, resourceful and by God, forever searching for that silver lining... They are always ready to pick up the pieces. More than willing enough to start anew and move on with their lives, no matter how hard it is. No matter what kind of calamities, storms and adversities they’ve gone through, there is always the will to survive. That is because Filipinos hearts are always full of HOPE and optimism. There is always the sense of trust in God and humanity. The presence of anticipation that God’s provision will come along the way. Filipinos are faithful and so is God! With great gratitude and beaming faces, they will and are ready to face another brighter day. I take pride in the fact that Filipinos can take whatever fate they deal with...and has always emerge stronger than ever..

The life we live nowadays is never safe anymore. There’s always the parallel risk surrounding to it –- natural disaster, economic downfall, environmental concerns, global warming, virus outbreak, political plight, terrorism, cultural chaos. We can never be hundred percent secure anywhere, anymore at all. However, on the positive note, we can always find assurance and security in the presence of our Creator. When storm like this hits – who do you wanna call? GOD. Yes, God it is. Because we can find refuge and protection in Him. He extends His hands to everyone who comes to Him. And he gives His grace and mercy to every mankind. All it takes is an acknowledgement that He is the ultimate provider of all things. God can and will provide exactly what we need and when we need it, for His timing is perfect.

At the end of it all , we get the chance to see the greatness and goodness of our Lord God and the compassion in the hearts of others too. It is very comforting to know that we can always find strength and hope in Him specially at times like this....

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