23 November 2009

it's my birthday and i'll write if i want to--

Today, it’s my birThDaY again and I turned 42! Take note everyone, 42! {sigh....} I wonder where have all those good-prime years have gone? you know, silly questions like -- what did I do on my twenty something? what about my thirty-something? it's kinda hard when I do a mental recollection by decades - haha! and the thought of hitting the big 5-oh is a bit interesting thought! but I must admit though...I do have couple or more memorable birthday memories...very memorable indeed!

So what is birthdays anyways? Generally I thought what’s the big deal? Why some make a big fuss about it? Everybody has them anyway, they happen whether you like it or not. So what makes it extra special then?

I had never received so many birthday wishes and greetings up until now….from text messages, emails, cards, phone calls and FB greetings—coming from my siblings, cousins, family and good friends….. and even from my former university dorm mates and work colleagues all over the world! …..

Early this morning, I have received a very affectionate and touching message from my husband, it almost bring a tear to my eyes…. It goes this way……" Happy birthday my love. I don't prepare any card nor a grand birthday bash but I give you my life and undying love. You're the best thing that God have given me. I hope to celebrate our birthdays together for as long as we live. I love you." I just felt so loved and cared.... and I guess that’s how one feels ‘extra-pretty-special’.

Birthdays is supposedly a very special event filled with surprises, sweet nothings, celebrations, foods, friends, family and the sense of gratitude for the gift of life. Birthdays comes every year marking an end to one year and a beginning of another. It’s almost like the big day begs for a reflection while on the other demands new benchmarks.

For me, birthday is --not just about to celebrate the inevitable passage of time but something more…..it’s the blessed life that I had. I really thank God for the gift of life and for allowing me to have a “time of my life” -- for enjoying His goodness and love with my family and friends in so many countless, beautiful and joyful ways. On my birthday I’d like to reflect on the things that I’ve learned in the past years….you’re never too old to do that. I could say that I’ve been there…..done that….and really, down the road, I’ve learned some good stuffs.

So what I have learned?

I’ve learned that I can learn. (Ashley thinks this sentence doesn’t make sense at all)
I’ve learned that I can dream big, really big.
I’ve learned that I can actually cook a hearty-sumptuous-gourmet-food.
I’ve learned that I can multi task – think, read, talk, work, eat, pray, love and smile all at the same time :)

I’ve learned that I ca
n forgive and put bitterness behind.
I’ve learned that I can laugh and be actually really funny.
I’ve learned that I can be happy, incredibly happy!
I’ve learned that I can give and be selfless.

I’ve learned that I can change and make a difference.

And most of all I’ve learned to love others beside myself and to be loved by others too….unconditionally.

So earlier today, we had our favorite meal and of course-- I had a piece of cake with me and my family, the closest ones that I hold so dear in my heart and celebrated this grand forty-something-year with happy thoughts and prayers in my heart.

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