23 June 2010

incredibly blessed and happy!

Earlier today I received a phone call from my kids' teachers and that me and my husband are both invited and literally have to be present on Monday (28th) to witness the school's annual awarding ceremony. I was at work when I received the news and after I had taken the call, I can hardly concentrate on the numbers I am working on....I must say, it was one of the best news I've ever heard so far and one of the best blessings ever received!

It is supposed to be a secret as my kids do not have any idea what award they are receiving or whether they are gonna receive one. Ashley would be receiving a 'Best in Academic Achievement Award' for overall 4th graders while Andrew would be receiving 4 awards of which I do not have a clue yet what are those.....

I can't be thankful enough for such blessings! Words are not enough to describe how happy I am for both Andrew and Ashley, for being recognized in their excellence in their class for this year's school term. The thought of endless hours of constantly reminding, motivating, supervising and tutoring for their tests, homeworks, researches and projects really brought tears to my eyes thinking that hard works really pay off with great results.... The thing is, they are not just deligent and determined about their studies, they are also very passionate on pursuing and aiming their personal goals.... And so I honestly think that they deserve this recognition not only for their amazing accomplishments but also for their commitment and consistency in all the things that they do.

It is very rewarding on my part as a parent to see that my children have grown to be responsible and independent in their study habits and that they really put efforts in developing and discovering their God-given gifts and potentials both in their academic, social and extra curricular activities. They have both shown tremendous amount of interests and had always been brave to go the extra mile on any assigned projects and term papers. Things that would really help them bring out the best positive attitude towards learning and the value of education. It is also a great privilege that my kids have been given the chance to be involved in a lot of community services and also other advanced and independent programs being offered by the school district.

But all of these would have not been possible if my husband and I are not blessed with the guidance, strength and wisdom that we needed as both busy and full-time working parents. The kind of wisdom, peace and inner strength that only comes from God....and I always believe that if we invest time, plant seeds and nurture its' growth on our children, we would definitely begin to see new sprouts growing and later on, down the road, be able to reap its' fruits...

I sincerely want to give my appreciation to my dear and doting husband for his endearing support and assistance, to the teachers for their great motivation and dedication and a huge huge thanks to God for His grace and all the guidance and protection He has given my children. God is so good to us and He's the one who deserves to be praised!

1 comment:

teresa said...

Amazing... Praise the Lord. God is faithful, His mercies are new everyday. GBU and family, Maf.