11 April 2009

sugar and spice and everything nice...

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what my little girl Ashley is made of!

Yesterday was my daughter's birthday. I have to pinch myself and believe for myself that Ashley really had already turned 9 years old. It's not so long ago when she was just this cuddly and chubby-creased baby in my arms.

I remember the day she was born. So pink. So cute. So soft. So delicate. And hmm smells so incredibly good too. The moment I set my eyes on her, I thought to myself, she is the most beautiful girl on the entire planet earth (i think that's how every proud mom felt about their own child). It’s not really that hard to recall the time I gave birth to her. Who would forget a 1 and 1/2 day of labor pains! I won’t. That’s 36 solid hours. I won’t forget the excruciating pains I went through with her. Little I knew and realized on day 2 that she was distressed too. In as much as I wanted her to come out, she couldn’t because she was also struggling. I thought she was too comfortable in the warmth of my cocoon-like womb that she does not want to come out at all. But for some reason, my ob-gyne and I didn’t have a clue why suddenly the umbilical cord was found tied up and encircled on her poor tiny neck. But she was such a strong baby and a brave one so to speak. She held on to me tightly as much as I held unto her. I tell you, there's nothing like labor pains, it is the mother of ALL pains...well at the end, it is so worth it. I am rewarded with an angel sent from above. How fitting the saying "no pain, no glory" is!

I also remember the first day she was home from the hospital, couple of days after she was born. She was wearing this baby pink cotton dress, matched with pink mittens and bonnet, wrapped in pink soft and fluffy blanket. Her clothing almost matched the color of her cheeks – pink! She was surrounded by all her cousins, aunts and uncles. All gaping at her, wanting to touch her, cuddle her and sniff her, and I even beg them to be quiet and not to wake her up just as yet. As if she knew what exactly was going on, she suddenly woke up from her serene sleep, opened her eyes and there! she gave us the most incredible sweet smile that made everyone say "awww"...

Ashley is such a happy child, she loves to frolic and gives everyone a sweet and adorable smile that just makes their hearts melt away. I have so much happy memories that I can recall…from being an infant baby, to toddler, to pre-schooler, to kindergarten. She likes to hum and dance even she is still in the baby crib. Ashley just makes my day after a hard day’s work. I used to take plenty of photograph of her. And she would always give me her best smile the moment I have my camera with me.

Even she was just in my tummy, she moved a lot every time I read a story on her. From day 1, Ashley already loved books even before she learned to speak. In fact she started reading a book before she turned 4 years old. She also loves pink a lot. There’s the pink blanket, pink socks, pink dresses, pink sweater, pink head band, pink toys, pink dolls, pink tutu’s, pink ballet shoes, pink books, pink bikes, even her room was painted pink and purple. Seems every single thing she have is in pink!

But now according to her, pink is no longer her favorite color. She said, “no offense mom but I am ‘almost’ over pink color” Take note, she uses ‘almost’ so not to hurt my feelings. She also said that pink is not that “in” and “cool” anymore and in fact she now likes the shade of blue. Out with the pink, in with the blue! And red, and yellow and orange!

I was like…this is not happening….it can’t be real! How can this be? My little girl does not like pink anymore. And you know what does that mean? It’s like a casual announcement without being warned. That she not a baby anymore. And before I know it, here comes a girl now emerges. I just remember her in her bibs, diapers, and pigtails, carrying her baby bottle. Now, I saw her just walked across the hallway to her room carrying her DS electronic game.

From pink to blue. From the Teletubbies to Treehouse. From Brahms lullabies, Barney’s songs to the Hanna Montana, the images of a girlhood have been projected.

There are numerous of things that I like about my daughter. I like her when she welcomes me with her hugs and kisses and tells me she misses me so much and asks me how's my day. But what I like about Ashley most is - (even she had outgrown her love of pink colors and barbies). She has this big and beautiful and generous heart and has a very genuine spirit. She loves God so dearly and she thinks that God made such an amazing job creating everything in this entire world. She also made it quiet clear that she and Jesus are very close friends.

Ashley is described by her teacher as an outstanding bright and hardworking student who strives for excellence and is always up for a challenge. I describe Ashley as a very loving and gentle-mannered girl who has a young mind, strong spirit and has a determined dream.

As she turned 9 years old yesterday, I can see that she has grown into such a lovely little girl. But to me she is still a baby. And she will always be my baby. That’s my girl. That’s my Ashley. I just want to thank God for her life. I wish her a bright future ahead of her and all the good things in life...Happy Birthday sweetie!

08 April 2009

the twilight saga

Previously, I did not understand why few of my friends and colleagues have become so obsessed and fixated with Twilight movie and its books series. Not to mention million of swooning devotees and fans out there. I had been avoiding the stacks of books with those distinctive covers with black and red graphic designs every time me and my husband go for our usual run for adrenaline boosting beverage – our favorite espresso rich cafĂ© latte with a shot of Hazelnut @ Starbucks, and then do our usual fun thing to do, browse and gape at the latest release of bestsellers at Chapters. For some of you who don’t know, Chapters bookstore (Canada) is the counterpart of Barnes and Nobles of States.

It’s actually my son Andrew who noticed the book first, that was last year and told me that it’s going to be a huge movie soon and it’s about vampires and such. I had a quick peek at the book and I thought, nahhh, not really my cup-of-tea and besides, I am not a teenager and it’s way out-of my league and I am not going to read a book that is aimed to adolescent mind-set and accommodates age-bracket half my age, let alone about wolves and vampires!

Despite its world-wide popularity, and the fact that the Stephanie Meyer’s debut novel has sold $42 million copies, I just can’t help but well, smirk a bit. For me, literature is about Shakespeare, Dickens, Tolstoy and among other classic writers. I would think to myself too that I am such a snob, that my bookshelves at home hold the complete works of these mentioned authors. But then I also knew that new and promising novelists get reviews in literary newspapers, such as New York Times, etc.

Last weekend, I finally watched the Twilight DVD movie at the comfort of my home with Noel (my husband). And guess what? Let me wear my heart on my sleeve - I loved it! Far from my impressions, expectations and predictions - I instantly liked it! The minute I heard the intriguing narration and saw the first few act scenes and later on met the leading characters Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen……I got instantly carried away and now, I am now completely so into it! Vampires and the swooning drama of high school love affairs might not be my thing, but after watching the movie and read the first few chapters of book, I just couldn’t help it. I guess I have to literally eat and swallow my words then.

Technically, my only intention is to watch the movie out of curiosity and there goes the saying - “curiosity kills a cat!”. It’s true, inquisitiveness can lead one into dangerous situations. I think, I am afflicted with some kind of Cullen syndrome. Me for one, is probably one of the girls out there who are swooning a lot of times for every single thought and sight of ‘Edward’. I don't know about you but I could easily self-diagnose the symptoms of my recently acquired “Cullen syndrome”.

Now here's the recap - the story revolves between a sad-shy-silent-sufferer junior high school girl named Bella Swan and a handsome and mysterious Edward Cullen. Bella is supposed to be just an average-looking girl with fragile and slender body structure and very fair-skinned. She has a long straight dark chestnut hair, brown eyes and a heart-shaped face. Bella recently moved to a cloudy, rainy town of Forks, Wa. Her dad is the sheriff and after few years of being away from him and the town, she’s understandably awkward and lonely. Even at school she makes friends but does not truly connect with. Until she met Edward Cullen.
Edward is an aloof, soulful Volvo owner. He is the object of infatuation and member of the awfully-close “vegetarian” Cullen clan, a brood of chalk-white brothers and sisters who love to play baseball. He is 107 year old vampire, transformed by his “father” Carlisle, who snacked on him in order to save the younger mans’ life. He’s got a very pale skin with an intense and smoldering stare, obviously a killer look. You would feel that you are in danger but you won’t mind risking such danger. He is dangerous and at the same time always so quick to protect you (I mean Bella) in every possible way. He has to resist and control himself of not devouring Bella romantically and physically as he refuses Bella’s desire to be a vampire too. This part is the most interesting part of all.

To me, Twilight is a captivating fantasy, an immortal love and life saga of modern day. It is a phenomenally-popular movie ever about vampire. It has the elements of fascination, temptation and plenty of imagination. It captures the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires. The apple, which is the forbidden fruit, represents the temptation versus the choice and inner struggle of a chaste relationship.

I would also say that Twilight really bites, the vivid characters are very capable of sinking their teeth into one’s imagination and pulls us away from reality and bring us into a fantasy place. I think the sentimental plot of Twilight is the undying romanticism which makes the story so fascinating. My husband found it a little bit cheesy.
Overall, I love Twilight, even though it’s not well written and there are plot holes and inconsistencies. But, isn’t that what true love is - to be able to love something so much that the flaws cease to matter? The Twilight book lacks of irony and cannot measure up with Harry Potter’s series which actually have some depths. But generally, a book doesn’t have to be an everlasting piece of literature to be worth reading. Twilight does not possess the literary depth level but it creates characters and settings that are so real - star-crossed lovers, deep woods, high school hormones.
And that’s the thing: any writer who can create a world so vivid and compelling, well, then, I think that’s what makes a good book. Stephanie Meyer had achieved that. She did an amazing job in creating imaginary-almost real characters out of a dream. She combines suspense, romance and adventure rolled into one. Her description of the characters’ emotions are so existent. The publication of the Twilight novel made Stephanie Meyer as one of the most promising new authors. A prediction that proves to be true.
To all Bella-Edward followers out there: Hang-in there with patience. I bet you are all looking forward with much-anticipation to the sequel on the screen! Me too!!!

02 April 2009

cold comfort

Outside my window..... cloudy, breezy, bright green growth appearing on the trees, light pink buds on cherry trees, a squirrel scampering across the backyard privacy fence. Yes, it's already April, but it's not getting any warmer here in BC. As if spring is being put on hold. Would you believe we had snow falling last night? It didn't stick though, it's only some sort of rain with slight snow. I have been really patient waiting upon the glimpse of the sun...

I thought I'm over with wool winter coats and knee high boots. Getting in to work this morning is somewhat harder than I imagine. I just wanted to stay at home, unfortunately, I couldn't just stay at home, like so many other people, some days are extremely busy and important days and I had few concerns red-flagged on my task lists, couple of which needed my undivided attention and have to be taken care of in-a-matter of urgency, you could call it a "right-now situation"!

Time like this, all I wanted to do is to snuggle up at home. Maybe watch an old-time favorite romantic-comedy movie...or better be, sip a cuppa hot-chocolate drink with cinnamon and marshmallows and gather around the fireplace with my family. I have a much better idea though, I think it might be time to dig out some books for an evening of reading. Digging up my piles of dusted books is very comforting. I get a great deal of consolation from my array of books. I find reading very relaxing, specially when you feel ill, stressed, or overworked, you need something old, loved, and familiar to get through. I like dipping into something good-old fashion classics or really light or amusing ones when I just need cheering up.