23 November 2010

There is more to life than just here and now...

"This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever" 1 John 2:17

As of this writing, the clock strikes at 12:00 and it marks the 43rd anniversary of the day I was born. Special events such as this makes me reflect and ponder on more important things other than what I would like to get as a birthday present. But first, I am thankful for the gift of life. I thought that life is such a precious gift and that I am blessed every single day. That I am made wonderfully for a reason. I knew for sure that I am not an accident, long before I am conceived by my parents, I'm pretty sure, I am conceived in the mind and plan of my Creator. That I am for who I am, for a purpose. That I am part of His intricate perfect plan...

All my life, I have been driven by something...hopes, dreams, goals, circumstances, values, faith, emotions, even pressures and deadlines! But at the end of the day, life is not all there is...that it's not about me, there is more to life than just here and now...this life is just a preparation for the next.

Knowing our purpose gives meaning to our lives. We were made to have meaning. When life has meaning, we can bear almost anything, without it, nothing is bearable. Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance nor hope...Nothing matters more than knowing God's purposes for our lives, and nothing can compensate for not knowing them.

God has a purpose for our lives on earth but it doesn't end here. God has....planted eternity in every human heart. It's more than opportunity of a lifetime. It's way beyond our lifetime. We are made to love Him and to last forever, for His plans endure forever! \0/

Have you ever wonder what's your purpose on earth?

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