03 October 2008

here comes the rain again

The moment I set my foot in this place, I had never disliked rain this much. How am I supposed to defend my off-putting blunt feelings? Let me just say that I am not a big fan of rain. I easily get despondent at the sight of rain. You must have heard the melodic pop song popularized by the famous siblings singers known as The Carpenters; ‘Rainy days always gets me down’. Who can blame me? The road is wet, the sky is gray, the people seemingly look so glum, my whole surroundings looks murky and gloomy, and sometimes, it just comes to a point that it’s totally sad and depressingly lonely. It’s gratifying to know that I am not the only one who is being affected by this damp and cold weather. Most of the people I know were also bothered by it, they said they tend to hibernate and feel like sleeping through most of the time.

As you can see, my family and I currently reside in Vancouver, British Columbia. British Columbia is the
sixth province of Canada. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the west, by the U.S. state of Alaska on the northwest, and to the north by the Yukon and the Northwest Territories, on the east by the province of Alberta, and on the south by the U.S. states of Washington (Seattle).

British Columbia is famed for its natural beauty, in fact it is known as the ‘Beautiful BC’ and it’s supposed to be one of the best places to live on earth according to some research conducted annually by the UN. And you won’t be surprised to know why it’s ranked among the top places to live in the world. British Columbia has its most spectacular scenic views in the world. Its breathtaking sceneries and cosmopolitan cities – from five-star resorts to rustic backcountry cabins, laid back relaxation to unlimited vast of exciting exploration, you name it. It has the perfect outdoor and urban adventure, in the whole wide world. I can’t deny it’s one of the best places I’ve seen.

It has also the most diversified culture and the friendliest polite people. One would repeatedly say ‘I’m sorry’ for no reason at all. Passengers would say ‘thank you’ to a bus driver as they get off the bus. It has an integrated public polices that promotes economic and social growth. This place was also acclaimed for its high literacy rate in addition to educational levels and material wealth, medical and health benefits, recreational opportunities, clean water and fresh air. What could anyone ask for more? What could I ask for more? Almost everything
in this place is perfect, right? I really got nothing to complain about. Except - its unpredictable overcast weather conditions!

But there is no such thing as perfect place on this planet earth— It is so ironic that I am currently living in one of the most sought cities in the whole wide world, and yet I can afford to be anxious about it. It is not about the people nor the country itself, like what I’ve said, I get so restless when it gets so damp and wet here not to mention it’s cold and freezing temperature. I get so sad when I don’t see the glimpse of the sun. I easily get disappointed when I discover that it’s going to be partially cloudy and partially rainy tomorrow and the next day and the following day and the week after.

As I sing along to the tune of ‘80’s Eurethmics song “
Here comes the rain again…falling on my head like a memory, falling on my head like new emotion, I want to walk in an open wind, I want to dive into your ocean, is it raining with you? .… here comes the rain again, raining in my head like a tragedy, tearing me apart like a new emotion…..”, there goes my silent whining attitude too and I am not so proud about it.

To me the word RAIN is synonymous with showers, chilly, cloudy, dark, dull, gray, gloomy, murky, depressing, damp and all. I was so overwhelmed when I’ve come to know that there are more than twenty words to describe rain. There is the precipitation, drizzle, rainfall, downpour, heavy rain, sprinkle, drop, drip, pitter-patter, hail, stream, flood, deluge… and a lot more, not to mention some famous quotes on rain. Metaphorically, rain has a sad and negative connotation and it is reflected in children’s rhymes like Rain Rain Go away, in contrast to the bright and happy sun. Though the traditional notion of rain in the Western World is negative, rain can also bring joy, as some consider it to be soothing or enjoy the aesthetic appeal of it. A rainy day can be refreshing, a walk in the rain can be sometimes romantic. In dry places, such as parts of Africa, Australia, India, and Western US, and Middle East, rain is welcomed with anticipated euphoria.

But BC rainfall is totally unusual and odd. In BC rain does not descend instantly. It gradually, persistently, stubbornly and unhurriedly drips bit by bit….it can even last for several days, weeks, even on summer or fall season when it’s supposedly warm and sunny. So you see, it seems almost incomprehensible.

I may sound like an exasperating whiner but you don’t have any idea how it feels like to wait patiently for the next sightings of the sun. Constantly looking forward to feel the heat of the sun, the sight of a spectacular sunrise. I don’t know why sunshine is such a great deal to me now. Perhaps I am getting old or something…..(Sigh).

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate rain, and I love the fact that rain is very important and the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse eco-systems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants, and even crop irrigations and other environmental beneficial aspects.

Although I admit, I desire occasionally, I wish I live somewhere near the sea where I can watch the sun rise and set. A place where I am kissed by the rays of the blazing sun. A place where I can walk barefooted never have to worry if I hadn’t worn my insulated undershirt and mittens. A place where I’d rather be sun-burned than suffer the soreness in my muscle due to coldness and drop of temperature…..I wonder why life can’t be more simpler? That way, I don’t have to utter any grunt and all. Or maybe I am asking too much. I think I am.

On second thought, what am I thinking? What am I complaining about? I made the decision to move up North to fulfill a dream, and I am so blessed to have gone this far so I should be thankful for it and stop complaining. Besides, I have a great God who gives me the most ardent warmth and comfort that I need, more than enough to sustain my whole lifetime existence.....guaranteed available 24/7!

I guess I’ll just have to appreciate and like RAIN more. Yes, that’s the best thing I can do. Be contented, be grateful, treasure and appreciate what I have. Besides, God didn’t promise life without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain....I suppose rain is almost like a grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; and that without rain, creatures would be no life.

So next time it rains, I am just gonna sing out loud at the top of my lungs and with my heart’s content! “
Here comes the rain again…falling on my head like a memory, falling on my head like a new emotion…..”

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