14 September 2009

reading matters

I’ve been a lifelong reader. The pleasure of a good book is one of my favorite things in the world. I love to lose myself in the world of a novel. To become best friends with a character. To curl up or snuggle up in the silence of the early mornings or late nights hours, wrapped in the deliciousness of a book. I think many people approach reading the wrong way – they try to force themselves to read and see reading a difficult and tedious chore. I see reading as a wonderful thing. Reading is a joy. A time of peace, of adventure, of exploration, of just enjoying a good story. It allows me to step inside other minds and understand the world from different points of view. Although, it is rather hard to accept the fact that the new digital revolution threatens the values of classic reading.

Reading is a basic life skill that most people take for granted. It unlocks remarkable powers. Imagine just for a moment that you cannot read the instructions on a bottle of prescription medicine or that you find it difficult to read the job adverts in the local paper. Reading is a great way of learning, that’s for sure. It is estimated that there are nearly 900 million illiterates in the world today -- and two thirds of them are women. Reading leads to literacy and literacy is the key to unlocking the cage of human misery; the key to delivering the potential of every human being; the key to opening up a future of freedom and hope.

I consider myself a dreadfully voracious reader. A bookworm. A bibliophile per se. I have this constant thirst for a far more genuine and revealing piece of writing. I enjoy reading literary and historical works as well as narrative yet stirring work of fictions. I read various types of genre - classic, contemporary, fictions, non-fictions, christian books and references, bestsellers, paperbacks, etc. I also find memoirs - accounts of a person’s life story and history interesting. I think such stories of life are very moving, empowering and inspiring. Agonizing at times and mostly the end of the story leave me marvels at the main characters, every details and significant turn of the events in their lives.

Obviously, I have a slight book obsession which is beyond cure. I read. I browse. I admire. I collect. I write reviews. I analyze. I let the book take me into a world. I learned to immerse myself in the world of a book, and forget about the world around me. This is related to being in the moment, or finding the state of flow — time seems to disappear, and nothing else exists but my book. For me, I discover and nurture the joy of reading, I treat it as a voluntary thing, a hobby, a passion. It is a wholesome and healthy activity too and it is good for you. But if you treat it like a chore, it will feel like one.

How do I discover the joy of reading? Well, I start by finding amazing books first. If a book bores me, I move on to another. And one thing important detail that matters when reading, look at the things that surround you, beyond the book itself – where you sit, how quiet, how comfortable you are because you want your experience to be more pleasurable as possible.

Reading really is important, and that there are some solid reasons why that is so. There are practical benefits and less tangible rewards of a life filled with reading. Personally, reading matters to me because - I discover. I explore. I understand. I gain knowledge. I learn. I unravel things. My passion for reading is not just for constant continuous learning but most of all for enjoyable experience too.

08 September 2009

back-to-school jitters

Hello everybody! Today marks the first day of school. I am sure some of you are probably wishing it’s still summer and that you could ‘ve stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning. Yup, it’s hard to imagine that summer is over, sleeping-in is over, no more late-nights and definitely, long-days has come to an end.

I don’t know about other moms out there, but I am having a little bit of a back-to-school jitters too…mixed emotions though. Both relieved and worried? But I know I’ll be fine after couple of days, once my kids and I have settled and back on our good-old-normal-school-days routines. Anyways, I only sense some tummy butterflies when I think of the to-do list and some back-to-school challenges such as these – who wouldn’t be?

breakfast preparations
pack lunches (ideas, ideas, ideas!!!)
bathroom competition
missing socks,
forgotten planners
gym days
laying out clothes the night before
homeworks, homeworks & homeworks
newsletters, announcements, schedules
science projects
term papers
school choir
Christmas plays
field trips,
parent-teacher conferences
bullying & other performance concerns
winter blues /snow episodes
clutters, clutters, & clutters
papers, papers & papers!!!
the list goes on and on…whew!!!

But you know what? In spite of these back-to school anxiety, I am also looking forward to another full 10-months of new learning process for my children. I am glad that they are ready to take on new challenges and take it to the next level. Homework, researches, home reading, journals, spellings & math problems & quizzes you name it…They can be tough and sometimes tedious tasks to do you know, and not only for our children but for us too. But hey my fractions skills is refreshed! True, some school activities can be bit over the top and it’s tough on our part especially when we moms, have loads and tons of other chores to do on top of our full time jobs, not to mention a basket of clothes to iron or stacks of papers waiting to be filed away!

But on a positive note, homework and school projects really is a key part of a child’s education. It’s there to help students remember and understand more of the school work. They develop study skills that they will use after graduating high school and later on foster into independence, responsibility and time-management skills.

I can hardly believe that my son is a Sixth Grader now and my daughter is in Grade 4. It only seemed like yesterday when they were just in kindergarten. Anyways, last night as my kids and I bid our goodnights and said our prayers, they shared me their excitements and jitters too. They expressed their expectations, hopes and goals for this school year. I am touched because theirs’ were so simple, honest and pure. If their young minds can set some simple goals and raise their bars higher, why can’t I? Their honest to goodness goals motivate me to make this school term a more meaningful, less stress, more easier, more enjoyable, plenty of educational and fun stuffs activities and lots of interesting learning experiences for both kids and parents.

Bottom line is -- Education is a key tool for any children’s bright future. And no matter what my children want to do with their lives — I guarantee that they will need a good education (coupled with strong faith and values) to do it. They’ve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it. And I promise them from the bottom of my heart that their ‘dear mother’ will be there to support them in every step of the way.

02 September 2009

just dropping a line or two

As you can see, I haven’t been updating my blogs for a while now, you can’t blame me, I’m having too much fun enjoying the summer! The sun, the beach, the lakes, picnics, backyard bbq, brisk walks, movies, and meeting up with friends. With summer being "almost over" and the kids now getting ready to go back to school, so with the parents! Honestly, I am not at the very least ready for this yet! Time really does fly so fast…(sigh).

So many wonderful things have come and gone. The list goes on and on…but I have to say that I have been really blessed. Just the thought of having a chance to live in a moment is more than enough for me to feel thankful.

I’ll try to catch up and write as often as I can. I hope I could spare some time and just write on, and I totally don't mind because there's so many words, so many thoughts and so many praise reports that I'd like to share and write about and yet so little time...

Until the next entry then.