23 November 2010

There is more to life than just here and now...

"This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever" 1 John 2:17

As of this writing, the clock strikes at 12:00 and it marks the 43rd anniversary of the day I was born. Special events such as this makes me reflect and ponder on more important things other than what I would like to get as a birthday present. But first, I am thankful for the gift of life. I thought that life is such a precious gift and that I am blessed every single day. That I am made wonderfully for a reason. I knew for sure that I am not an accident, long before I am conceived by my parents, I'm pretty sure, I am conceived in the mind and plan of my Creator. That I am for who I am, for a purpose. That I am part of His intricate perfect plan...

All my life, I have been driven by something...hopes, dreams, goals, circumstances, values, faith, emotions, even pressures and deadlines! But at the end of the day, life is not all there is...that it's not about me, there is more to life than just here and now...this life is just a preparation for the next.

Knowing our purpose gives meaning to our lives. We were made to have meaning. When life has meaning, we can bear almost anything, without it, nothing is bearable. Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance nor hope...Nothing matters more than knowing God's purposes for our lives, and nothing can compensate for not knowing them.

God has a purpose for our lives on earth but it doesn't end here. God has....planted eternity in every human heart. It's more than opportunity of a lifetime. It's way beyond our lifetime. We are made to love Him and to last forever, for His plans endure forever! \0/

Have you ever wonder what's your purpose on earth?

11 November 2010

wear a poppy to remember...

Every year, on the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of eleventh month, Canadians pause in a silent moment of remembrance for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace. They gave their lives and their future so that we may live in peace.

I have always wondered what the little red poppy stands for and what’s the connection between poppy flowers and remembrance day. And so I have researched a little bit and found out that generally, poppy means eternal sleep and sacrifice. The connection began during the Napoleonic wars, when it was noted that "fields that were barren before battle exploded with the blood-red flowers after the fighting ended.

It was observed that the poppy flourishes in a war-disturbed ground, and they are the first to reappear on a barren landscape of a battlefield. The presence of these attractive red flowers around the graves of the soldiers and the heroes reminds of the bloodshed and their heroic deeds. From then on, poppy flower symbolizes the sacrifice of soldiers in war who fought for our peace and freedom. Most commonwealth countries particualry Canada use artificial paper or felt versions of this poppy (see the above photo that I have taken). These are worn to commemorate the sacrifice of veterans and civilians in the great war, world war two and even the ongoing war in Iraq and Afghanistan…

But why must we remember? I think, if we don’t remember, the sacrifice of those hundred thousand Canadian lives will be meaningless. They had died for us, for their homes and families and friends, for a collection of traditions they cherished and a future they believed in-- they died for Canada. The meaning of their sacrifice rests with our collective national consciousness. As we celebrate Remembrance Day, let us wear poppy to express our respect and honor for them. Let us pay homage to those who respond to our country's needs.

I read this caption somewhere before...."without freedom there can be no ensuring peace and without peace no enduring freedom."

26 October 2010

Be still

“Be still, and know that I am God” {Psalm 46:10}

Stillness and quietness are rare. We don't always know how to achieve them, least how to handle them. But for the sake of marriage, we need televisionless, phoneless, computerless and workless time together. We all need solitude for our individual lives but we also need marital solitude....

I must admit, it has been a little while now since my spouse and I have a 'marital solitude' that's free from distractions. We are equally busy with so many things...to name few -– work, kids' school and extra activities, chores, errands not to mention browsing, facebooking, blogging and the likes! So we badly need a marital solitude and quiet time very soon! And I know it won't just happen by itself...I've gotta make it happen....just like my time with God alone, I must plan my time alone with my hubby too.

But before I allow excuses to rule out any of these possibilities, I guess I have to put my schedule in writing and make sure we both mark and synch our iCalendars. And then I would have to put a little bit more effort on actually doing it. Eventually, I would require creativity and flexibility in my options though. And learn to discover new and fresh approach too.

Seriously? most married couples are surrounded with multitude pressures and stressful activities, but these pressures and stress we must often escape are not those we create for ourselves but those brought into our lives from the outside.

So, to put my two cents in, I think a key to keeping a cherished relationship alive maybe found in breaking away from distractions frequently enough to keep ourselves fresh and our love growing...afterall, relationship is a living thing~~it has to grow and it needs a good cultivating, weeding, watering and what else? Sunshine of course!

15 September 2010

"Don't Worry"

It seems there isn't much to write about what's going on with me these days...but I have lists upon lists and crazy schedules since my kids were back to school.

My son is now in Grade 7 and their class is going to kick off the fall school term with a “dig camp” called “The Odyssey Archeology Programme”. They are going to do a 4-days/3-nights simulated archeological excavation at Panorama Ridge. The program will focus on Science for the study of human skeletal parts, Social Studies for the ancient Greek cities, Language and Literature for Homer's Odyssey, and Math for statistics, grid and triangulation system for measurements and locations, and dating methods for the artifacts being dug/found and a little bit of PE and even Arts.

Therefore, whether I don't let my son go is out of question as it is a requirement in the upper intermediate curriculum. After the “dig camp”, there's supposed to be a very stiff “dig exam”, and once they passed this dig stage, they can qualify to go for the next field trip/camping in March to UBC (University of British Columbia) and write a 10-page essay of a subject of their choice. Whew!!! I can't believe this is a curriculum of a Grade 7 class. It sounds so interesting and exciting. I also think it is a very intense and challenging hands-on program, something you can't find in a regualr four-wall classrooms. It's defintely going to be a huge exploration experience for all Walnut Road Elementary School seventh graders!

At first I thought, sure why not, but as I was browsing on the list of what they are suppose to bring, I started to worry, the students need to set up their own tents, prepare their breakfasts, set the bonfires, and so on ...panic was starting to build up thinking the temperature drops at night, even 2 sleeping bags won't be enough to keep them warm. During our camping this mid July, it gotten so cold at night up until early morning....and here's the perturbing thoughts:-- who's supposed to remind him to put on extra blanket? who's gonna remind him to zip on the sweatshirt and put on the hoody? who's gonna tell him not to mix the clean clothes with the dirty and soiled ones, and other stuff! He is just twelve years old and my baby! Besides I had never let any of my children out of my sight even for one night, not even a sleep over! So suddenly, I was left with this letting-go issues....

But after a chat with my husband, I did the right thing to do....I gave my thoughts and fears to God and asked for peace for myself and protection for my son, then I felt much better. There isn't much time to think about it, I have to hand over the form with my approval the following day. And there's the list of supplies that is ridiculously long! Aside from warm different types of clothing & toilettress, Andrew has to bring excavation equipments and camp equipments.

Even I am struggling with my letting-go issue, in my opinion, this camp is a very brilliant idea for these young kids to be able to experience important events in their pre-teens educational stage, as a matter of fact, this actually sounds like a real fun! This reminds me of my girl-scout Jamboree experience I had when I was in Grade 6. On a very positive note, I think it's also a good way for them to learn the hands on aspects of → team work, responsibility, decision-making and co-operation with other peers. It's very encouraging to know that my son and his classmates will develop significant things in the process, such as → sense of empathy, respect, patience, perseverance, and endurance.

I felt more comfortable after reading the whole program though. The students were placed under teams and Andrew was placed under “Oxford University” team....the other ones were Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge and of course UBC. I am also confident that this experience is going to be a great challenge for all the students not only to my son and for sure it is a very worthwhile one. From the newsletter, I've read that this program was organized and founded by Andrew's teacher and another school teacher, sometime 20 years ago with some Grade 8 students up to university graduates to serve as instructors, team security and supervisors, all of them have experienced “dig camp”. And it was awarded few times for an Outstanding Merit for all of Canada and then later the documentary film was distributed throughout Canada and US elementary schools. It is obvious that with this standard, the entire team really works hard. So my son is extremely excited to be part of it! I really felt his enthusiasm and interests. I am also happy and excited for him. And I'm pretty sure he will have lots of fun.

He assured me though that he will be alright and added that I should “not worry” at all. He is right, I should not worry at all and should start trusting my son that he is also capable of looking after himself. The key word is “Do not worry”! It hits me hard. This phrase can be found in Philippians 4:6-7. It says....”Do not be anxious about anything, but everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Oh what an assurance we have in Jesus!

The truth is-- there are so many things to be anxious about in my world, and probably in your world too. So, how do we deal with it? For me the bible offers some wise counsel as we face difficulty. As Paul wrote this, he was in prison. His words are practical because he was facing a very grim future, yet he pens these profound words....”Do Not Worry”.

That's right, I think I shouldn't...\o/

22 August 2010

end of summer....! {sigh}

I haven’t been updating my blog for a little while now….sorry for being a blog slacker. I tend to be real busy during summer….when the sun is out, when the sky is cloud-free and oh so blue, and when the temperature is just perfect to my liking. I always thought that why waste being indoor, glued to your TV screen, and do nothing but couch potatoing -- if you can bask and enjoy the sun outside? There’s actually so many things you can do in the summer. Though there are also occasions that the temperature and humidity is just too hot to handle, I just try to meet those cooling needs the best that I possibly can. For instance, last week, it has been a real sticky, scorching hot days and nights for me and my family. And while it has been fun for some, it’s a bit unbearable and uncomfortable to others…I would say, we gotta enjoy the sun while it is still out there and while it is still literally closer to the Northern Hemisphere …I don't have real issues embracing the heat, I can totally handle the humid. I love summer. I love its sunshine and shade. I love its brightness and the happiness it can give me!

Summer, summer, summer ---ice creams, and sweet dreams, palm trees and ocean breeze, salty air and sun-kissed hair...summer, you are so sweet and so divine. Yes, we suffer a little bit but we really really like it!

To me, summer is one of the most beautiful words in english language. Nothing beats a summer afternoon, where I can lie on the grass and watch the clouds slowly floats across the sky or listen to the gentle humming of water by the river that runs through it, where I can see people jog, bike, brisk, and stroll with their love ones, including their very precious chihuahua dog. On summer late afternoons, I can smell the nicely done bbq’s on the neighbourhood, where I can smell the garden fragrance of pink roses, of the lush blooms of lavender, and the freshly picked peaches, blueberries and cherries …and I can hear the carefree children playing noisily outside....which reminds me a lot of my happy summer childhood memories in my small barrio of Santa Cruz…Oh you don’t have any idea how I love this season! It brings so much joy to me, even its ordinary days of delightful idleness, or some of its rare moments simply gaping at the beauty of our nature…the vast creation of our Creator.

The other day, when I was photo shooting and practicing my SLR aperture setting, and while I was so absorbed trying to achieve a ‘bokeh’ effect, carefully following a perfect combination of ISO, shutter speed and the DOF in manual focus, a sizeable spider in bright orange colour and a bug of some sort caught my eyes. I excitedly took about a dozen of shots with different angles, zooming and white balance exposures. But then, I started to notice too that the leaves around me has started to yellow already, our backyard grass are half covered with withered leaves and some of the leaves up on the trees has started to turn into unappealing browns………With much disappointment and silent dismay, a slight pang of panic and a heave of sigh, I told myself weakly …..Oh no!…It’s the end of summer! Where have all the whole 90 sweet-summer days had gone?

Life is so good! PTL! I guess, it was a pretty good summer after all, we did a lot of fun things this year. We watched the celebration of lights fireworks festival, we went to night market and enjoyed authentic oriental food on the street, camping with close friends, we checked out vintage and antique boutiques, we visited beautiful gardens in the island, immensely enjoyed the seafood there! We had couple of picnics by the lake, the kids did a lot of biking and went swimming, had couple of trail walking, we went to movies, and we watched a Sting concert and a symphony. We also had lots of late nights TV comedy shows, played scrabble and even learned to play cards with the kids. We had the opprtunity to attend a friend’s 50th birthday bash, had a couple of girls’ night outs, tried out new cafes, I've read few ‘easy-read’ books, and my favorite of all --- watched sunsets, which is for sure is always at the top of my list.

Seriously….we truly had an amazing summer vacation even we did not have the chance to go away for a trip. Not to mention I had a chance to spend some lovely bonding time with my niece who came to visit me from Florida and a cousin and her family from Alberta. We did shorter trips though just within BC and its lower mainlands. And one can never go wrong to “staycation” and enjoy the beautiful British Columbia. I didn’t take as many pictures as last year though. I thought, I just wanted to be “in the moment” a bit more and just enjoy myself. Sometimes it is hard to relax when you are standing up and snapping away. I did take about more than 500-600 photos which is just half as many as last year and still I have not found enough time to organize and pick out my favourites.

Overall? It was not a bad summer vacation at all! Though I am not ready for it to end yet, but ready or not, the weather has to sizzle down, the season has to end, to prepare for the next one…

28 June 2010

beaming with joy

God is so awesome and good all the time. He never cease to amaze and bless my family with great things - especially my children. All the praises and honor goes back to Him. To my daughter and son -- your exuberant thirst for learning and success both inspire us to thrive for better ....thank you for the joy you gave me and your dad today, a gift that is both pleasing and fulfilling......you guys rock and I am so proud of you both!!! xoxo

25 June 2010

michael jackson, a year later...

(i took this photo last year, from one of the posters for sale, down the busy and packed broadway street in new york)

One year ago today, the King of Pop, Michael Jackson passed away. His passing was both shocking and heart-breaking. It's crazy ...totally crazy, I can't believe that one year has passed and it's still surreal for me! How can MJ be actually be gone? As I logged-in to my computer this morning and streamed-live to my favorite music website, the song it's been playing was "Ben"...and there, I was all teary eyed, and you know that familiar achy feeling in your throat... and then, next thing I know all the good memories about MJ comes back naturally to me....

I am not embarrased to say that I am a huge fan of Michael...big time! I had never missed buying his albums, mind you it comes in cassette tapes back in our days. I would listen to his songs over and over again. I would memorize the lyrics by heart. I can't seem to remember how many times I used to dance 'Billy Jean', trying to master or should I say at least learn how to moonwalk... Michael rocked my world and I still love his music up to this day. In fact I have almost close to a hundred songs in my iTunes...and I love every single song. When I listen to his music, I seem to have a connection with him, like a real friend.

He's been part of me, and to say that I miss him is not enough. His music brought me happiness over the years, specifically during my teenage and college years.....even in my late twenties, especially the memories when I watched him perform live in concert (in Brunei) with my fiance, now my husband Noel. Among great singers, he was just so special, I don't know why...I think I know why...no one has the bond with the fans like he did, no one has fans that have been so loyal and so in love, no one else gave so much like he did. We all had our moments in time where we wanted to dance like Michael, and we were just so infatuated and in awe of his amazing talent.

Michael was a legend. He was a genius pop superstar in 80's and undisputedly the greatest singer of all time. He was by far the BEST and his artistic talent was just beyond measure. He came to define what music means and what music is all about. He was synonym of the word PHENOMINAL. The best of the bests ever!!!

Michael was such a very generous, compassionate and sensitive person with a big and beautiful heart. He wrote songs that made people sing and dance, songs that made people cry, sob, scream and have goosebumps, songs that made people change and united, and songs that made people fall in love with music. The only human being (next to Jesus Christ, when Jesus was still human) in the entire world that could touch the hearts of such a plethora of souls, every race, every creed, every color. He was born to amaze the world, to make a difference, either with his life or with his death....

"Michael, no one will ever moonwalk again like you, no one will ever fill your shoes, and no one can ever replace you .....thank you for the beautiful music you left behind...i love you and i'm so gonna miss you!"

23 June 2010

incredibly blessed and happy!

Earlier today I received a phone call from my kids' teachers and that me and my husband are both invited and literally have to be present on Monday (28th) to witness the school's annual awarding ceremony. I was at work when I received the news and after I had taken the call, I can hardly concentrate on the numbers I am working on....I must say, it was one of the best news I've ever heard so far and one of the best blessings ever received!

It is supposed to be a secret as my kids do not have any idea what award they are receiving or whether they are gonna receive one. Ashley would be receiving a 'Best in Academic Achievement Award' for overall 4th graders while Andrew would be receiving 4 awards of which I do not have a clue yet what are those.....

I can't be thankful enough for such blessings! Words are not enough to describe how happy I am for both Andrew and Ashley, for being recognized in their excellence in their class for this year's school term. The thought of endless hours of constantly reminding, motivating, supervising and tutoring for their tests, homeworks, researches and projects really brought tears to my eyes thinking that hard works really pay off with great results.... The thing is, they are not just deligent and determined about their studies, they are also very passionate on pursuing and aiming their personal goals.... And so I honestly think that they deserve this recognition not only for their amazing accomplishments but also for their commitment and consistency in all the things that they do.

It is very rewarding on my part as a parent to see that my children have grown to be responsible and independent in their study habits and that they really put efforts in developing and discovering their God-given gifts and potentials both in their academic, social and extra curricular activities. They have both shown tremendous amount of interests and had always been brave to go the extra mile on any assigned projects and term papers. Things that would really help them bring out the best positive attitude towards learning and the value of education. It is also a great privilege that my kids have been given the chance to be involved in a lot of community services and also other advanced and independent programs being offered by the school district.

But all of these would have not been possible if my husband and I are not blessed with the guidance, strength and wisdom that we needed as both busy and full-time working parents. The kind of wisdom, peace and inner strength that only comes from God....and I always believe that if we invest time, plant seeds and nurture its' growth on our children, we would definitely begin to see new sprouts growing and later on, down the road, be able to reap its' fruits...

I sincerely want to give my appreciation to my dear and doting husband for his endearing support and assistance, to the teachers for their great motivation and dedication and a huge huge thanks to God for His grace and all the guidance and protection He has given my children. God is so good to us and He's the one who deserves to be praised!

28 May 2010

TGIFs and BFFs

I love Fridays! First, it means that I was strong enough to make it through another week and at least come closer to achieving one or more of my goals, and secondly, Friday is also the day that I can get to meet and be connected with my "life group" friends, and do an informal yet consistent quality lectures based on Bible scriptures, have an open and interactive group discussions and share personal God-moments' experiences....

Thank God for Fridays! Just when you can't take a minute more of the work week, along comes that carefree day. For me, Friday marks the end of my working week and the beginning of a flex and more relaxed time. Not that weekends are do-nothing days; but the doing is different, and somehow that makes it better. When it's Friday, seem like the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and life is just simply good.

Friday is almost like my BFFs, it makes me smile and sort of enjoy every minute of it --because Fridays have also become my time to go out with some friends, to have a cup of coffee and if I get lucky maybe have a decent night out with my girlfriends. That’s one of the major reasons they’re such good days. And on Fridays, I personally think that every woman needs girlfriends, but first, let’s define the term........A girlfriend is not just any kind of friend. The term “close acquaintance” certainly doesn’t qualify at all. It’s pretty much an understatement to even compare the two.

I think the term is reserved ONLY for several really close, free-to-be-me but know-how-to-care kind of friends. The term is reserved to those who are genuine, true and good friends in the very sense of the word. The term is reserved to those FRIENDS who have known you for sometime and who had grown to laugh with you and laugh at you, cried with you and love you. The ones you can giggle and be silly with. The ones who have known your likes, dislikes, mood swings, pet-peeves, allergies and all. The ones you can swap a pair of earrings. The one who won't hesitate to share a slice of cheesecake, frozen left overs and their most treasured old family recipe. The one who will welcome recycled presents and appreciate hand-me-downs. The ones who will pick your kids up from their piano lessons with no notice at all. The ones who will rescue you in case of emergency situation. The ones who will say a prayer for you....

True friends are the ones who share your hopes and dreams, the ones who can freely and sincerely say "I am so happy for you my friend!" The ones who respects and sincerely appreciates your uniqueness and also accepts your eccentricities. Even the ones who are thousand miles away and who once shared memories, good and tough times with you. The ones who can kiss your tears and fears away. .....and you know, the ones you can be obnoxious with one minute and spiritually profound the next. And they’re perfectly okay with either or both, even in the same sentence!

I love the fact that me and my girlfriends can be so comfortably candid in all of our conversations. We are pretty much open and honest with each other. There's already the presence of that very thin line of transparency in our relationship. There's the trust and support. There's also the sense of vulnerability. We had endured some hardships and yet we stayed friends through it all. We had grown to love and care for each other so deeply despite of the flaws and imperfections we possess....we need each other to share both of our joys and triumphs; our frets and slip-ups, not to mention our latest retail deals and finds!

But you know what? at the end of the day, we all certainly need friends.....not just on Fridays. Don't you?

18 May 2010

if i had to do it over again

Did you you ever want to start over --you know, have a new beginning? It happens to me sometimes, like when I am cooking a meal and thoughtlessly add one ingredient twice and I am tempted to toss out the batch and start all over again from scratch. Did you ever wish you can turn back the clock? Perhaps you even have made a list of what you would do differently.

If I had my life to live over again, I'd try to relax. I would loosen up and maybe I would limber up. I would engage in an enjoyable and recreational pursuit. Or I would be sillier than I have been in this journey.

For sure I would take more trips. I would be crazier. I would climb mountains, pick daisies, watch more sunsets....I would do more walking and looking. I would eat more ice cream and maybe less beans? I would have own a dog. I would have learn to play piano and cello. I would have watch more symphonies, operas and plays. I would have more actual adventures and fewer imaginary dreams.

You see I'm one of those people who lives a life sensibly hour after hour, day after day. But oh I have my moments too, and if I had to do it over again, i think I'll have more of them. I am one of those people who never go anywhere without a lip balm, a bottled water, a planner, a floss, an Advil, a sweater, a hand lotion and a hand sanitizer!

If I had to do it over again, I would go places, meet different people from all walks of life, learn a new language, see the wildlife, bond with the nature, live in a village, experience other people's culture, taste their soil, do things, and travel lighter than I have. I would be more tolerant and be kinder. I would learn to play more, and enjoy a more laid back lifestyle. I would laugh more and be humorous. I would live in a place of simplicity and serenity....where the sun's always shining and the beach always beckoning.....

Because when you do too much, you are almost like chasing rainbows all the time and not be able to see the full spectrum and the pallettes of its colors and I'm afraid, soon there is nothing more to give, you might wear out and you might lose the joy of life...next thing you know, it's a little bit too late.

Anyhow, this is just one of my gazillions wishful thinking!...:-)

07 May 2010

mommy's moments

You are probably familiar with the proverb: "A woman's work is never done" And that's especially true when it comes to being a mother. Throughout time, no one has done so much for so many with such grace. She is selfless. She is patient. She is resilient. She is strong and compassionate, loving and protective, generous and courageous. She is a nurturer and a confidante. A leader and a queen. And when all else fails, no matter the circumstances, she's the one you can always count on. She is dedicated and resourceful, a shoulder to cry on and reservoir of hope and inspiration. But of all the characteristics that combine to make a mother so special, perhaps the greatest of all is her innate capacity to give of herself, not hesitating to sacrifice to make life better for her family. There's nothing like a mother....

To me, 'Mother' is undoubtedly the most beautiful and lovable word in any language. Mother stands for millions of things she gives to her children; it also stands for hard works and sacrifices which she has to undergo to keep her children happy and secure. No joy can match the joy of a mother looking at her child ..... "A mother carries a child in her womb for nine months and in her heart for the rest of her life" -- these words are enough to sum up the meaning and significance of the word Mother.

So......it’s time of the year again when Mother's Day is celebrated, when we pay respect to our dear mothers and our children express their love to us through their supposedly-surprise breakfast in bed and their school art works... It's time to pamper our mothers for all she has done for us over the years. You can tell your mom that she will always be important to you, that you appreciate all the things they’ve done for you and that you will continue to love her for ever. It's a pity, I don’t get to tell my ‘nanay’ these things anymore as she’s gone home and already resting in peace…..but in my heart, she’s still the BEST mother ever. And I’m glad I had the chance to tell her that when she was still alive…

To all super-moms! Put some fun on your to-do list this week! All work and no play is not good for you. Each day make time for you, not only on Mother's Day. Put your feet up. Phone a friend. Treat yourself for no reason at all. Take a friend to lunch. Daydream. Do whatever makes YOU happy. Give yourself permission to do it. There's goes the saying......"when Mom is happy, everyone is happy!"

Happy Mother’s Day to all my beautiful mommy-girlfriends!

23 April 2010

quiet times

Stillness. Quiet. Silence.

Do you ever hear the sounds of silence?

They are there...in their own way they speak loudly. Quietness for some is a way of life. It can be a time to reflect, a time to recover, a time to grieve, a time to rejoice or a time to listen to God. For some reason, quietness for others is uncomfortable. A deafening silence. An eerie silence. Solitary. Or avoidance of discussing something. Muted. Hushed. Withdrawn into a sullen silence...

Quietness for me is to seek rest....A time to reflect for a moment and to create a spiritual intimacy....a deepest kind of intimacy. A time that gives me a sense of serenity and an absolute kind of peace....A time to have a connection with God in a very comfortable and settling way, a time to listen to what He has to say to me.....A time to give thanks and to utter my prayers, a time where I can tell Him how awesome He is!..... sometimes, I thought of it as my personal routine of rejuvenating my mind, body and spirit. Where I can rest and seek His grace and strength. To feel revived, refreshed and new every morning.

No one said that it would be easy or comfortable to be quiet...In my case, I have to confront the barriers and obstacles that will prevent me from achieving my peace and quiet time,......time schedules have to be juggled, and most of all, outside interruptions and intrusions are needed to be blocked. Definitely--planning ahead, making everything simple and an honest-to-goodness commitment would work-out for me, not necessarily in-that- order or for that matter.

You see....when we fill our lives with so much activities and busyness, that's the time that we have the tendency to forget to pause, to reflect and barely have the time to talk or least to rest. Then we hardly find the time to pray....But there are times in the midst of our most hectic day when we need to close the door, log-off from our lappy, unplug the phone, switch off that TV, sit down in our favorite chair, lean back, and close our eyes...and just be still--in the presence of God....when we are under pressure and feel like everything is collapsing around us...it's the best time to seek God's peace and rest....and you know what? ---the busiest day of our lives is the best day to do it...you'll be surprised, it is THE time you need it the most. It is for me.

"Be still, and know that I am God........" Psalm 46:10

31 March 2010

powell's books

We've had a lot of fun recently when we visited Portland. Portland is one of my favorite cities to visit. Even it was a 5-hour drive from Vancouver, I thought that it was worth the visit and it's a new experience every time.

One of the hot spots and a must-see place to visit and explore in Portland is Powell's Books. Call me crazy but that's my thing...every time I get to visit a new place, I have to find out and check out the city's public library or it's independent bookstore...aside from the usual things to do such as sightseeing, museums and their local dining cuisines.

Now allow me and let me indulge you..... you will be amazed of what you're going to hear or read! From a humble storefront beginnings --Powell's Bookstore turned into a booklover's wonderland. Or shall I put it this way -- A world's great mecca for booklovers! This is one of the biggest bookstores I've EVER seen. I think, this is the largest bookstore on earth as it takes up the entire city's block. Floor after floor of books shelved higher than one can reach, entire rooms devoted to a single topic, and not to mention their massive rare and antiquarian book collections...

This place feels more like a library than a bookstore to me. One must grab a bite first prior to walking in, because you may get hungry after walking/exploring Powell's bookstore. It's about three stories high and rooms are separated by colors which in turns tells you exactly what the room offers (i.e. sci-fi, arts, history, literature, biography, etc.)

When I walked in, I thought I'll be nuts! I wanted to stand there and throw my arms up, and spin in a circle while a triumphant music (maybe Tchaikovsky?) played. Instead I could only wander about with reverence, bug-eyed and slack-jawed, trying to take it all in and trying a little not to get lost. Did I mention that they have a gourmet coffee shop inside?

Aside from countless people who are serious book shoppers, some people come here are just watching, engrossly browsing, casually scanning, looking around, thumbing through, page flicking, book mingling, random finds, or just basically wasting away their hours in such an amazing place. Well, I am both – a serious shopper and a browser. And a very enthusiastic one! Every time I come to this city, I see to it that I must make a visit here or at least a few times in my life.

So okey...I'll be blunt and basic: I love not just books, but vast of varieties of it, and that's exactly why I love it here, there's an endless volumes of books here --an unbelievable and unbeatable wide array of it! Everything from used to brand new books. First editions, illustrated editions, signed editions, out-of-print, rare find, collectibles, hard bound, leather bound, soft bound, dust-jackets, paperbacks, award-winners, you name it!

I wish my house is surrounded with plenty of books.... and towering bookshelves, and maybe grow old with my books, until our pages are yellowed.....:-)

Oh, what a bliss that would have been!

06 March 2010

spring break getaway

cannery pier hotel, portland, oregon
continuous truss bridge, astoria, oregon

We are heading to Portland this spring break with my family and friends. I checked out the weather and it's predicted to rain and possibly breezy and chilly. I was surfing the net and browsing any cool things to do on a rainy day…and it only left me with indoor activities such as museums, fine restaurants, cozy diners serving authentic food such as lebanese, mongolian, greek, thai and the likes...there's lots of shopping malls, not to mention SAKS store. Not only are there great shopping stores in Portland, but also the shopping is TAX-FREE!
I love the fact that Portland has lots of bookstores too..I don’t mind going to Powell’s bookstore, THE largest independent new and used bookstore in the world, with more than a million volumes and the selection is unbeatable, you can get lost here for hours! It occupies a full city block, it's just amazing and really worth visiting. Definitely, one of my favourite places to go. Picture this-----books + gourmet coffee = great day :-)

I am actually very excited, I have been to Portland, Oregon once and it was an awesome experience. Portland has a big city excitement and has a small town charm. Portland is made with walking in mind. The short blocks, combined with public art, old-fashioned sculptures and architecture, fountains, bridges and historical buildings. It is a splendid location with relaxed and urban-lifestyle that is worth exploring.

Portland is synonymous to rain you know….and rain is a relative term…there will likely be a slight mist in the air at all times. But I think the great way is --do like Portlanders do...i’ll simply ignore it and do whatever I had originally planned. Everything is still cool to do on a rainy day anyway. I’ll go on the waterfall loop and then I won't even notice it...haha! Seriously! We're going to Portland for spring break, I guess, I just have to deal with cooler and mistier weather then. Rain or shine, ready or not, Portland---here I come!!!

03 March 2010

family over work

In pursuit of happiness, our culture is absolutely sick with an addiction to busy-ness. Admittedly, I also tend to work too much, take on too many tasks, and sometimes have to pry myself away from my work, chores, books, or a computer screen so that I can exercise, relax, or enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend and just enjoy a good conversation. Most of us constantly strive to find harmony within our own soul. I myself have a creative and driven personality that likes to get things done, yet I need still and quiet time for reflection and spiritual rejuvenation.

So every morning, before I even log-in to my workplace' computer, I make a list of the projects I would like to accomplish before I retire to bed that evening. And as the day progresses, I feel good if I can scratch items off that list. If I get stuck on one or bogged down, I find myself feeling a little bit anxious; not because it’s a really essential task, but because my progress has been impeded. If it looks like the list may not get completed by bed time, or before the week ends I have real issue on my hands. My mind begins to race and I lay in bed constructing the list for the next day.

I am sure that I am not the only one who deals with this 'busyness syndrome'. Now here is where we need to work on. Our identity is NOT wrapped up in what we do. Our accomplishments are NOT equal to our worth as a person. We are NOT valuable as a person because God knows we can get the job done like a corporate hatchet man. And it is NOT logical, or I should say plain absurd for us to get worked up and tense because we only marked 8 things off our 11-item to-do list for the day.

I used to have a very busy schedule and a demanding job before. It kept me so occupied and extremely busy. Without realizing that gradually, it had taken a toll. I can hardly find time for myself and least for my family. I am so blessed that couple of years ago, a great job had came along my way with the perfect time and location. A job that suits my needs and preferences. A job that makes me excited to go to work, ready to face the challenges of the day and be able to deliver what I am expected to do. And most of all a job that allows me to have a balance between my personal and professional life that does not put pressure on me at all.

When I took this job, I promised myself that family is my priority and I intended to laid-back a little and not to succumb to the tyranny of my day. I have to combat the stress and fight it with tooth and nail and remind myself that it is just a job! Don't get me wrong, I always strive to work everything to the best of my ability and not afraid of pushing the envelope a little bit farther. But I have to disagree with that crippling mindset that says "you matter because you know how to get things done." I don't want to replace genuine relationships with people (particularly my family) with projects.
Projects are cold, impersonal, and ultimately forgettable. Who among us can remember an all-consuming to-do list from December of 2001? Yet the people that we love are flesh and blood, with emotions and spirit, and they need us as much as we need them. We risk our very souls when we NEVER connect with our spouse, children, brothers and sisters, sacrificing genuine relationships and friendships on the altar of efficiency and industry. It is not enough to be busy without even realizing what are we busy about? Isn't it ironic that he who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good? A very close friend of mine quoted this and I liked it...according to book of Solomon, "Everything is meaningless when we miss to find God in the midst"...

So make your list. Get to work on it. Do it with diligence and excellence. But put people first..Jesus did. And I tell you....they are far more important than projects.

28 February 2010

Canada saves the best for last!

((for the record, i took all of these photos while watching and just using my iphone))

After two weeks of heated competition, foggy weather, and some surprising victories, the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics are officially over. Vancouver bids a reluctant farewell.

The winter olympics coming to an end after a hockey game that couldn't have been scripted better as “Canada conquests", or "Canada reaches its winter peak" or "the host with the most” with a huge exclamation point!

The last event was hockey game and it capped off an extraordinary Olympics for Canada. It's unbelievable. The game was a nerve wracking, first the score was so close and then suddenly a tie! It was unthinkable --for few seconds, the whole nation was silent and tense until Sidney Crosby (also known as Sid the Kid) saved the best for last! He shot the winning gold and Canada owns the hockey podium. As if meant to be all along, Sidney scored an overtime goal to lift the host nation over US and win its most precious Olympic medal of all -- hockey gold. I thought what an incredible way to finish off Olympic games. From high-fiving to vehicle honking, everone is just so happy and united. From Abbottsford to Afghanistan, everyone was screaming, cheering, chanting, stamping , cow-belling and celebrating. And that includes me and my entire family!

The opening ceremony last February 12th did not start off perfectly. It started with a glitch, then followed with a grief but the games and events continued with glowing hearts and high spirit and now, finally ended with a glory! It's amazing, Canada won and set a record for winning the most gold medals.

The flames ignited the dream and hope. From the moment the torch was lit, the spirit and emotions of enthusiasm started. From picture taking of the torch relay, to wearing of red and white outfits, the waving of Canadian flags, fans continuously update their status on facebooks and twitters, and then there was the national anthem 'O Canada' being played over and over again, and often and not, the singing of 'I believe' Olympic theme and the chanting of “go Canada go”. This has truly become Canadian culture and oneness. A very Canadian patriotism. A beautiful one-of-a-kind patriotism. I have been here for the last 10 years but I've never seen like it. People undoubtedly believed in the power of “you and I”. I am proud or rather privileged to be a part of this nation and it's great to be a Canadian. I have actually enjoyed the full 17 days event, and I thought it was more than just a great ride experience.

The closing ceremony was an extravagant glitzy gala and unforgettable moment. It had showed warm, friendly, and fun-filled performance and has displayed patriotism. Not to mention the performance of all-star Canadian rock stars and entertainers such as Avril Lavigne, Nickelback, Michael Buble, Hedley, Michael Fox, Alanis Morsetti and others. The roaring crowd was phenomenal. The performance was terrific and dramatic. What an spectacular show and a total thrill! and what a friendly face we put for a welcoming nation and it is a shared experience within the nation and beyond.

I am a fan of olympic games and never missed to watch every time. And so far, Vancouver is definitely one of the best Olympic games in history. For sure, it's one that will be remembered for a long time. The International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge formally closed the Games after declaring them "excellent and very friendly" and further commended Canada for "an extraordinary embrace of games". Kudos to all the athletes, organizers and volunteers. Merci beaucoup! :-)

Personally, I thought it's not just about the gold or the number of medals won but it's also about the journey and incredible experience of the golden moments of our lives, no matter where we live, we will hold this moment in our hearts.

Strong, free and with glowing hearts, Vancouver has truly left a memorable legacy here and beyond. Vive la Vancouver!!!

10 February 2010

all eyes on Vancouver

Bienvenue! Welcome to Vancouver! The host city of 2010 winter olympic. It is also the city where I live. I am utterly excited about this fabulous world class sporting event and really looking forward to experience the once in a lifetime olympic-buzz right in the heart of Vancouver City. It is like it's just going to take place in my own backyard you know....How awesome and cool is that? I must admit, I am proud to be a Vancouverite, and there are really cool reasons why....one is, Vancouver is one of THE best places to live in.

Vancouver is such a beautiful and awesome city. It is both rustic and sophisticated, vibrant and laidback and something in between. A cosmopolitan city with a natural wonder. It is known for its world known attractions including Granville Island, Robson Street and Stanley Park. It is surrounded by majestic snow-capped mountains with stunning high peaks and silvery bodies of water, the wild still practically surrounds this modern city whose greater area is home to about 2 million people. Unknown to some, Vancouver is diverse, innovative, creative and a sustainable-green-city. It is a community where our differences and diversities are celebrated. Every citizen matters and has a stake in the city's future.

A long-held dream finally comes true….after seven years and after billions of dollars, Canada's Olympic dreams take shape this Friday in the flicker of a flame and the roar of a crowd in Vancouver's massive BC Place stadium. All eyes will be on Vancouver as the city welcomes the world for the 2010 winter olympic games. It is going to be an event that will go down in history and there will be many events going on around the city and in Whistler to enjoy. Opening ceremony for the spectacular event will be held at the BC Place Stadium (an inflated colossal white dome stadium that can hold about 60,000 people and is located at the downtown core) on February 12, 2010 @ 6 pm. The ceremony is a chance to speak to a global audience and tell a story of a contemporary Canada that will inspire the world. It will showcase a truly Canada's cultural diversity, values and creativity by highlighting the excellence of performance of leading Canadian artists and I, and all Canadians, look forward to this huge and memorable ceremony that will allow the whole world to see the best that Canada has to offer.

More than 80 nations are likely to take part in this event and about 5500 people from over 80 nations will participate in the Winter Olympics. The greatest athletes in the world come together and compete in events that are mind-bogglingly impressive. International media and spectators from around the world will gather in Vancouver and the alpine resort of Whistler to celebrate winter sporting excellence. The games, along with the city's spectacular and natural venues, will put the city in the spotlight as one of the top sporting destinations.

And so with Canadian pride and the spirit of winter olympics.......my family and I will put on our red toques, sweaters, scarves, mittens and get out our Canadian flags and ready to paint the town red. We will definitely cheer loudly for the Canadian Olympic Team! Go Canada go!

See you there 'eh?

24 January 2010

books i must read for 2010

Have you been thinking of what books to read for year 2010? I did, I thought I'd share a list here with you...these are the books that had been reviewed or that I've somehow discovered in one of my bookstores' wanderings and on-line browsings, which I personally think are most popular and considered “must-read” ones. Some of these titles were bestsellers, some critics' pick of the year, while few were award-winning books. The books below were not necessary listed down in order, or for that matter.

I would like to enjoy more books this 2010. I have already bought most of these books, (can't help it), they were carefully stacked on one of my bookshelves, while a handful were neatly piled up on my bedside table, pages waiting to be flipped and fine prints are ready to be savoured....I think this list stood out by far as per my genre's preferences, as far as the bookstores' recommendations and top bestsellers' list is concerned. These are combinations of easy read, contemporary lit books, epic drama, memoirs/biographies, historical fictions, debut novels and inspirational …..I am sure there are books I've left out unintentionally as I had narrowed it down, too many good ones to choose from.. ....so common, grab one or two from your favorite bookstores nearby and enjoy a good read! Remember, reading matters!

Book of Negroes, Lawrence Hill – i'm totally captivated by this fictional account of the life of Aminata...I am almost at the end of it, 60 pages more to go out of 487...I could have finished the book by today but apparently, it's taking longer than I have expected, I wish I have all the leisure time to read, so many books....so little time....(big sigh)
Handle with Care, Jodi Picoult
The Gathering, Anne Enright
The Space Between Us, Thrity Umrigar
Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel
Time Traveller's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
The Sea, John Banville
8) Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela
9) The Cellist in Sarajevo, Steven Galloway
10) Push, Sapphire
11) The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama
12) So You're One of Them, Uwem Akpan
The Road, Cormac McCarthy
The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch
The Help, Kathryn Stockett
Dear John, Nicholas Sparks
Julie and Julia, Julie Powell
18) Exodus, Leon Uris

Classic Parenting, Dr. James Dobson
20) God is No Laughing Matter, Julia Cameron
21) Beauty for Ashes, Joyce Meyer
22) Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand - I have to add this as per highly recommended by my BFFs Terrie and Binky, a novel considered a magnum opus in the realm of fiction writing.